How To Protect Your Dog From Sunburn This Summer
Katelyn Buck

The summer time means more beach days and park days with our dogs. While it's fun to soak up the summer sun with our four-legged friends, it's important to keep in mind that the hot sun could do some damage to a dog's skin in the same way it could cause damage to a human's skin. Just like humans, dogs need protection from the sun.
Though most dogs have fur, overexposure to the sun can cause skin problems, including cancer. Dogs without fur, such as the Chinese Crested dog breed, must be even more careful when it comes to any kind of exposure to sunlight.
Still, dogs that have fur and dogs that don't are all susceptible to sunburn so it is important to protect them. Sunscreens that are made specifically for dogs do exist so perhaps consult with your vet about the best options available. Avoid sunscreens with zinc as zinc is toxic to dogs if they eat it. Make sure to test the sunscreen on the dog on a small area before applying it all over as they could have an allergic reaction to the sunscreen. The sunscreen needn't be applied where the dog has lots of fur. Rather, cover areas that will be exposed to the sun and aren't protected. These include areas like the tops of their ears, the tip of their nose, and the belly.
Besides applying sunscreen, you can keep your pup safe from the sun's harmful rays by covering them with light colored clothing where they are exposed to the sun, providing them with shade when they're outside or avoiding the sun as much as possible.
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Katelyn Buck
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